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Green Bay Area Public School District








2024-2025 School Calendar


Important Calendar Dates

August 19 - 22 - Professional Development/Workday

August 26 - First Day of School - In-person instruction for 4K, K-5th, 6th, and 9th grades as well as K-8 at Aldo, da Vinci and Red Smith;
Asynchronous instruction for 7th, 8th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grades

August 28 - First Day of School for full day Head Start

August 30 - No School - Teacher Workday

September 2 - No School - Labor Day

September 4 - First day of School for half day Head Start

October 3 - End of 1st grading period for Middle and High School (27 student days)

October 4 - No School - 4K - 12 Professional Development

October 7 - Beginning of 2nd grading period for Middle and High School

November 1 - No School - Conference Conversion Day

November 7, 12 - Middle School Evening Parent/Teacher Conferences

November 14 - High School Evening Parent/Teacher Conferences

November 15 - End of 1st trimester for 4K (47 student days)
End of 1st trimester for Elementary (56 student days)
End of 2nd grading period for Middle and High School (29 student days)

November 18 - Beginning of 2nd trimester for 4K and Elementary
Beginning of 3rd grading period for Middle and High School

November 19 - High School Evening Parent/Teacher Conferences

November 21, 26 - 4K and Elementary Evening Parent/Teacher Conferences

November 27 - No School - 4K and Elementary Teacher Workday (4K-5 grade teachers will have the discretion to schedule Parent/Teacher Conferences A.M.)
Middle and High School Parent/Teacher Conferences A.M.; Teacher Workday P.M.

November 28, 29 - No School - Fall Recess

December 20 - Last Day of School Before Winter Recess

December 23 - January 1 - No School - Winter Recess

January 2 - Classes Resume

January 14, 15 - High School Semester Exams A.M.; Asynchronous instruction and Teacher workday P.M.
4K, Elementary and Middle School in session as usual

January 16 - High School Semester Exams A.M.; Teacher Workday P.M.
4K, Elementary and Middle School in session as usual
End of 3rd grading period (1st semester) for Middle and High School (33 student days)

January 17 - No School - Professional Development; Full day Teacher Work Day for Middle School 

January 20 - No School - Martin Luther King Jr. Day

January 21 - Beginning of 4th grading period (2nd semester) for Middle and High School

February 7 - No School - Professional Development

February 20, 25 - 4K and Elementary Evening Parent/Teacher Conferences

February 27 - Middle School Evening Parent/Teacher Conferences
End of 2nd trimester for 4K (50 student days)
End of 2nd trimester for Elementary (60 student days)
End of 4th grading period for Middle and High School (27 student days)

February 28 - No School
4K and Elementary Teacher Workday (4K-5 teachers will have the discretion to schedule A.M. Parent/Teacher Conferences)
Middle and High School Parent/Teacher Conferences A.M.; Teacher Workday P.M.

March 3 - Beginning of 3rd trimester for 4K and Elementary
Beginning of 5th grading period for Middle and High School

March 4 - Middle School Evening Parent/Teacher Conferences

March 6, 11 - High School Evening Parent/Teacher Conferences

March 24 - 28 - No School - Spring Recess

March 31 - Classes Resume

April 18 - No School - Floating Holiday

April 22 - End of 5th grading period for Middle and High School (31 student days)

April 23, 24 - No School - Recess Days

April 25 - No School - Conference Conversion Day

April 28 - Beginning of 6th grading period for Middle and High School

May 15 - Last day of school for half day Head Start

May 23 - No School - Professional Development; P.M. Workday for 4K and Elementary

May 26 - No School - Memorial Day

May 29 - Last Day of School for Seniors & full day Head Start

June 3 - High School Semester Exams A.M.; Asynchronous Instruction and Teacher Workday  P.M.
4K, Elementary and Middle School in session as usual

June 4 - High School Semester Exams A.M.; Asynchronous Instruction and Teacher Workday  P.M.
4K, Elementary and Middle School in session as usual

June 5 - High School Semester Exams A.M.; Teacher Workday P.M.
Elementary and Middle School in session as usual
Last Day of School for 4K, Elementary, Middle and High School
End of 3rd trimester for 4K (49 student days)
End of 3rd trimester for Elementary (58 student days)
End of 6th grading period (2nd semester) for Middle and High School (27 student days)

June 6 - No School - Teacher Workday

If additional emergency make-up days become necessary, various options may be considered including, but not limited to, extending the school year or length of the instructional day.

Approved by the Board of Education December 18, 2023
Revised March 11, 2024


One Page Calendars





NOTE: Aldo Leopold, East High School, Head Start Learning CenterJohn Dewey Academy of Learning, Leonardo da Vinci, Northeast Wisconsin School of Innovation, and Red Smith follow alternative calendars which may not coincide with the District calendar.

High School Semester Exam Dates and Dismissal Times:

Preble, Southwest, and West High Schools:

January 14, 2025 - dismissal is 12:20 p.m. followed by asynchronous instruction

January 15, 2025 - dismissal is 12:20 p.m. followed by asynchronous instruction

January 16, 2025 - dismissal is 10:40 a.m.

June 3, 2025 - dismissal is 12:20 p.m. followed by asynchronous instruction

June 4, 2025 - dismissal is 12:20 p.m. followed by asynchronous instruction

June 5, 2025 - dismissal is 10:40 a.m.

Tentative 2025 Graduation Ceremony Dates

East High - TBD

John Dewey Academy of Learning - TBD

Minoka-Hill School - TBD

N.E.W. School of Innovation - TBD

Preble High - TBD

Southwest High - TBD

West High - TBD