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Green Bay Area Public School District









Early Childhood

Early Childhood Special Education Services are determined on an individual basis. We offer a variety of service delivery models in different settings which are dependent on each child’s skills and needs. 

The Preschool Development Team of the Green Bay Area Public Schools provides a developmental screening as a service to the parents of young children who reside within the school district boundaries. If you have concerns about a child between the ages of three and five, contact the Preschool Development Team at (920) 448-2102. If no one answers, please leave your name and a daytime phone number and someone will get back to you as soon as possible. If you know of a child who is not meeting these milestones you may want to give the Preschool Development Team a call. We are happy to help!

District Early Childhood Services

  • Child Find
  • Birth to Three Transitions
  • Preschool Development Developmental Screening
  • Evaluations
  • Early Childhood Services

Early Childhood Special Education Services are determined on an individual basis. We offer a variety of service delivery models in different settings which are dependent on each child’s skills and needs.

Early Childhood Screening

The Early Childhood Screening Team of the Green Bay Area Public Schools provides a developmental screening as a service to the parents of young children who reside within the school district boundaries.  
If you live in the Green Bay Area Public School District and have concerns about your child’s development, you can call to schedule a free, confidential screening.


For children birth to age 3 - (920) 448-7890
For children age 3 to 5 - (920) 448-2102

The team meets the CHILD FIND mandate under Part B of IDEA, which states that districts are required to identify, locate and evaluate children Birth-21 suspected of having a disability who may be eligible for special education.

Is Your Child Developing Appropriately?

Typical development stages by age 3, 4 and 5

Child Find

Child Find is the mandated reporting requirement of the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) of 2004. As a public school district, we are required to find and evaluate all students we may suspect have a disability. Part of that requirement is that we post the process in parent and public friendly language. If you have any questions, please email Jackie Hauser, Director of Special Education or call at (920) 448-2136.

A physician, nurse, psychologist, social worker, or administrator of a social agency who reasonably believes a child brought to him or her for services is a child with a disability has a legal duty to refer the child, including a homeless child, to the school district in which the child resides. Before referring the child, the person making the referral must inform the child's parent that the referral will be made.

Others, including parents, who reasonably believe a child is a child with a disability may also refer the child, including a homeless child, to the school district in which the child resides.

Referrals must be in writing and include the reason why the person believes the child is a child with a disability. A referral may be made by contacting Jackie Hauser, Director of Special Education, Green Bay Area Public School District, at (920) 448-2136, or by writing her at 200 South Broadway, Room 217, Green Bay, Wisconsin, 54303.