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Green Bay Area Public School District








ESSER COVID Relief Funds

Through several Congressional Acts, the Green Bay Area Public School District (GBAPS) has been allocated one-time funds for the purpose of addressing urgent and continuing needs that are a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. In order to receive these funds. GBAPS must submit for reimbursement from the Department of Public Instruction. 

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES or ESSER I) = $5,046,016  (public and private schools) 
All funds must be spent by 9/30/22

Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Fund (GEER) = $2,934,491 (public and private schools) 
All funds must be spent by 9/30/22

Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSAA or ESSER II) = $19,854,039 
All funds must be spent by 9/30/23

American Rescue Plan (ESSER III) = $44,676,910   
All funds must be spent by 9/30/24

As GBAPS submits claims to the Department of Education for ESSER funds, the District will continue to update the following dashboard to assist the public in understanding when and how the funds are being spent.

Total Percent of all ESSER Dollars Claimed
CARES/ESSER I Grant - Percentage of Funds Claimed
CARES/ESSER I Grant - Summary of Money Allocation by Program Type

*PPE purchases are included in Addressing Afterschool and Summer Learning, Addressing Long-Term School Closure, and Preparedness and Response to COVID-19.

CRRSAA/ESSER II Grant - Summary of Money Allocation by Program Type
ESSER III Grant - Percentage of Funds Claimed
ESSER III Grant - Summary of Money Allocation by Program Type
GEER Grant - Percentage of Funds Claimed
GEER Grant - Summary of Money Allocation by Program Type


COVID-19 Information

Criteria for Special Board Meeting to Revisit COVID-19 Protocols

At the July 25, 2022 Board of Education meeting, the Board voted to hold a special board meeting to determine if the District shall implement COVID-19 mitigation measures, including but not limited to face coverings, if one of the following conditions are met:

  • Brown County new COVID-19 hospital admissions per 100,000 population (7-day total) exceed 20 individuals,
  • OR the percent of staffed inpatient beds occupied by COVID-19 patients (7-day average) is greater than 15%.

Safe Return to School Plan

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