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Green Bay Area Public School District









Legal Services

The Legal Department supports the District's mission by providing quality legal counsel, advice and representation to the Superintendent of Schools and Learning and the Board of Education. School operations are governed by a host of state and federal laws that are constantly changing and growing more complicated. The Legal Department assists the District in maintaining compliance with the law, while weighing other considerations such as moral, economic, and social factors relevant to the school district’s situation. 

Directory of Public Records, Requests and Responses

Pupil Non-Discrimination 

The Green Bay Area Public School District, in compliance with Wisconsin’s non-discrimination law, is committed and dedicated to providing the best education possible for every student enrolled in the District. As such, it is the policy of the District to ensure that no person  be denied admission to any public school in the District or be denied participation in, be denied the benefits of or be discriminated against in any curricular, extracurricular, pupil services, recreational or other program or activity offered by the District because of the person’s sex; age; race; religion; color; national origin; ancestry; creed; pregnancy; marital status; parental status; homelessness; sexual orientation; gender identity; gender expression; gender non-conformity; physical, mental, emotional or learning disability/handicap; or any other legally-protected status or classification.

Title IX

Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 ("Title IX") is a federal law intended to ensure sex and gender equality and protect students against sexual harassment in all school programs and activities, including extracurricular, athletic and other programs, that occur at school, on the school bus, or off campus during school-sponsored events.  

The Green Bay Area Public School District is committed to providing an environment where every student feels supported, welcomed and respected and as such shall not discriminate against any person on the basis of sex in any of its curricular, career and technical education, co-curricular, student services, recreational or other programs or activities, or in admission or access to any programs or activities offered by the District.  It is the District’s policy to protect all students, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. 

Title IX Nondiscrimination Policy Statement – As mandated by the current provisions of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and under the regulations set forth in Chapter 106 of Title 34 of the Code of Federal Regulations (“the federal Title IX regulations”), the District does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of sex in any education program or activity that the District operates.  Title IX’s requirement not to discriminate in any education program or activity extends to cover, but is not limited to, District students, certain admissions processes, and District employment. Inquiries regarding how Title IX and the federal Title IX regulations apply to the District may be referred to the District’s Title IX Coordinator (as designated below), to the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights at the U.S. Department of Education, or to both.  

Meet the Staff

Melissa Thiel Collar

Melissa Thiel Collar
Legal Counsel
(920) 448-7406
Email Melissa Thiel Collar

Where legal issues affect District students and families, Legal Counsel partners with District and school staff to address the diverse needs of students and families by balancing legal requirements with the needs of students and families. The District's Legal Counsel represents the District in litigation, renders legal opinions, interprets and drafts Board of Education policies and rules, investigates claims filed against the District, coordinates and responds to open records requests, and drafts and reviews contracts on behalf of the District. Working together with the School Board, District and school staff members, District Legal Counsel and school officials work to ensure compliance with applicable laws and minimize the risk of litigation and liability.  

Abby Tilkens

Abby Tilkens
Discrimination and Title IX Coordinator
(920) 448-2284
Email Abby Tilkens

The Discrimination and Title IX Coordinator assists the District in providing direction and leadership for the administration as well as compliance with federal and state harassment and discrimination laws to ensure a safe learning and working environment throughout the District. Some of the duties include submitting all required reports regarding civil rights compliance to the appropriate federal or state authorities, assessing the effectiveness of current policies and practices, and providing professional development and support to buildings and staff as needed.

Heather Nelson

Heather Nelson
Paralegal Specialist
(920) 448-2039
Email Heather Nelson

The District's Paralegal Specialist assists Legal Counsel in all aspects of legal representation, including acknowledging and responding to open records requests, evaluating and responding to pupil record requests, drafting and revising policies and contracts, and assisting staff with responding to day-to-day legal questions and issues faced by District staff.