School Social Workers
School Social Workers are licensed and/or certified mental health providers serving diverse groups of students, families, schools, and communities. School Social Workers provide evidence-based behavioral, social emotional, and mental health services. School Social Workers promote a safe and equitable school climate and culture supporting positive academic and behavioral outcomes. School Social Workers collaborate with school and community resources empowering students to reach their full potential (School Social Work Association of America). In Green Bay Area Public Schools, social workers participate in teams (alcohol and drug, mental health, poverty, child protection, attendance, and bullying prevention) based on their passion to keep abreast of new evidenced based resources and devise processes to integrate into systems as part of the continuous improvement plan necessary to support student success.
AODA Website Presence Template
Attendance Work Group Website Presence
Child Maltreatment Work Group Website Presence
Mental Health Work Group Website Presence
Poverty Work Group Website Presence
Hannah Giesick, Elementary Schools
Emily Boyea, Middle Schools
Brittany Bartel, High Schools
Mercedes Sanchez Meinel
K-12 Social Work Coordinator
(920) 448-2223
Email Mercedes Sanchez Meinel