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Green Bay Area Public School District









Superintendent's Office

The Superintendent's Office works with all the District's departments, the Green Bay Area Public School District School Board of Education and Green Bay school communities to put systems in place to educate all students to be college, career and community ready inspired to succeed in our diverse world.

This year the Superintendent's Office will be leading the District through four critical priorities:

  • Equitable Instruction: Every student has access to rigorous academics that stretch their intellectual capacities so that they achieve at high levels.
  • Referendum: The District will inform the community about the November Referendum to help address deferred maintenance projects, safety and security issues, and consolidation of schools.
  • Strategic Planning: The District will utilize the Portrait of a Graduate model to review and revise the mission, vision and district priorities. 
  • Intentional Community Engagement: The District will intentionally engage parents, organizations, business leaders, and community partners to fulfill our mission.

One way the District is working towards its goals of intentional community engagement is through the Ambassador Academy


Learn more about the theme for the 2024-2025 school year.

Logo: Together we are one in blue and green text with GBAPS tree logo and colorful people above text

Together We Are One


Preble graduation
Sullivan Playground ribbon cutting
Vicki at Baird Summer School
Staff Recognition Award
Vicki Bayer at SW Ribbon cutting
Vicki Bayer with student
West groundbreaking
Vicki and David reviewing something and looking down while standing in front of bright windows.
Bay Link event
Staff Recognition Award
Vicki and David at event
Bridges Event
Vicki Bayer with student
Vicki Bayer at welcome back event
Staff Recognition Award
Vicki and David
Vicki and David at Event
David Johns makes a silly excited face at a student working at her desk with paper and a pencil. A green supply caddie sits in the center of the table with school supplies in the background and foreground.
Vicki Bayer crouches down next to a student in a tshirt and smiles

Meet the Staff

Vicki Bayer

Vicki Bayer
(920) 448-2190
Email Vicki Bayer

David Johns

David Johns
Associate Superintendent of Continuous School Improvement
(920) 272-7481
 Email David Johns

Kinsey Lehr headshot

Kinsey Lehr
Executive Assistant to the Superintendent of Schools and Board of Education
(920) 448-2100
Email Kinsey Lehr

Mandy Heroux headshot

Mandy Heroux
Executive Assistant in the Office of the Superintendent
(920) 448-2068
Email Mandy Heroux


Senior Leadership