What are the policies and statutes about Student Records?
Green Bay Area Public Schools Policy 347 (to view the policy, please visit BoardDocs and search for the policy) | Wisconsin State Statute 118.125
Who has access to information about my student?
Green Bay Area Public Schools Policy 347 states that only GBAPS staff who are directly responsible for education services to a student will have access to your student’s education record. (To view the policy, please visit BoardDocs and search for the policy.)
Who is responsible for protecting student data?
All GBAPS staff, as well as students and parents, have a role to play in protecting student data and ensuring privacy. Learn how the U.S. Department of Education suggests protecting student data.
Are there existing laws that protect student data?
CIPA (The Children’s Internet Privacy Act) | COPPA (Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act) | FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) | HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)
How do schools hold outside service providers of digital resources accountable for maintaining the confidentiality of the student data they receive?
GBAPS has a selection process for reviewing all media resources before they are used in the classroom. Prior to use, all resources must meet our stringent educational resource standards. Next, the resource is examined for how student data is being used. If student data is being collected we learn what information is collected and how it is collected. We send the media resource company a Wisconsin Student Data Privacy Agreement that gathers assurance from the resource provider that they will be good stewards of our data, and will not sell your student’s data or market to students. The agreement also states that our student’s data will be purged from the system when our school district no longer works with them.
Who owns student data?
While GBAPS keeps student data on file, parents/guardians as well as the student ultimately own the data.
What constitutes student data?
Student data constitutes any non-aggregated information directly related to a student. This includes but is not limited to grades and test scores, health and immunization records; discipline reports; documentation of attendance; schools attended; courses taken; awards conferred and degrees earned; and special education records including individualized education plans (IEPs).
What constitutes student information?
Student information constitutes any Personally Identifiable Information directly related to a student. This includes but is not limited to a student’s name, address, telephone number, date of birth, or student generated content that is not publicly available.
What constitutes student generated content?
Student generated content constitutes any materials created by a student. This includes but is not limited to, handwriting, video creation and/or video records.
How is the Green Bay Area Public School District Media Opt-Out form used?
The GBAPS likes to celebrate the achievements of our students and staff. Throughout the year, photos and videos may be taken of students, student work, and school activities. These photos and videos may appear in various District materials, including school and district websites, social media websites, newsletters, brochures, advertising, etc. Student names are usually not used in association with photos and videos, but when they are, only first names will be used except in situations where full names are standard. Most parents/guardians support and encourage this celebration of achievements, so by default all parents/guardians who register their students are giving permission for this use.