Private School Information
- Updating Your Address or Updating Your Contact Information
- Requesting Busing Services
- Decline Busing
Updating Your Address or Updating Your Contact Information
If your contact information has changed from the previous school year, complete this form Private School Student Information Update Request English and Spanish
Requesting Busing Services
Is your student a new enrollment at a private school for the upcoming school year? Will they require busing? If so, please follow the steps outlined below:
STEP 1: Determine Your Eligibility
Verify whether your student qualifies for busing before completing Private School Transportation Registration. When you click the link below, a new window will open. Click on your school's link to see a map of the attendance area for your school. Any area within your school's boundary that is not part of the walk boundary (indicated in green) will qualify for a bus.
Boundaries and Eligibility Page
If you are eligible for busing at no cost to you, or are willing to pay for busing, continue to step 2. If not, then no further action is needed.
If you are unsure about your eligibility, please complete the Eligibility Questionnaire Form English or Spanish.
STEP 2: Registering Your Student for Busing
By completing the Private School Student Transportation Registration Form, you agree that you plan to use District busing services. If you live in a busing area, there will be no cost to you. If you live in a walk zone, you will have to pay for busing (if available). Please be patient. It may take up to 2 weeks for the request to get processed.
Private School Bus Enrollment Form English | Private School Bus Enrollment Form Spanish
Your request could take more than 2 weeks to get processed, due to the high volume of requests. In advance thank you for your patience
STEP 3: Determine Which Request(s) to Submit
Scenario A - Riding from Qualifying Home Address
If your student is riding from home and your home address is busing eligible, no further action is needed. You will receive a postcard in the mail approximately two weeks before your school start date.
Scenario B - Home Address and Alternate Address Both Qualify
If your home address qualifies for busing and the alternate address is also eligible, please go to the Request Forms page to determine which request you must submit.
Decline Busing
Please contact us if your student is not planning to ride the school bus so that we can reduce ride times and make routes more efficient. By declining busing, you are not waiving your child’s right to ride. If you change your mind for any reason, and would like to reinstate bus service, we would be happy to put your child back on the bus.
You will need to decline busing every year.
You can call us at 920-448-2130 or fill out the Decline bus English and Spanish Form.