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Green Bay Area Public School District










Participation in the Green Bay Public School Four-Year-Old Kindergarten program is voluntary for children who will be 4 on or before September 1 of the current school year.

Our program provides an opportunity for children to socialize and be exposed to various prekindergarten activities in preparation for kindergarten. We offer various sites to meet your family’s needs: school sites, daycare sites, and preschool sites. We also offer several collaborative sites with Head Start and Early Childhood.

Our preschool curriculum is the Creative Curriculum, which is a researched based program that uses play as the vehicle for learning. The curriculum is closely aligned with the Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards. In preschool we educate the whole child: Cognitive, Social, Emotional, Motor, and Language Development, in preparation for school success.

Other important facts to know about 4K:

  • The 4K program is four days a week, Monday through Thursday, for a half a day. 
  • There is a program fee for all preschool children, which is a district fee. This includes all sites. There is no additional charge at daycare sites for the time when your child is in the 4K program. 
  • All school-based 4K programs offer breakfast for AM students and lunch for PM students. Snack is provided at all non-school based sites. 
  • Full day 4K is offered at our Jefferson Head Start Learning Center location. There is limited availability (only 14 spots), which are filled on a first come, first serve basis. 
  • Parents/guardians must apply through the intra-district transfer process for the following programs: Jefferson Head Start full day 4K, Aldo Leopold Community School, OAK Learning Center (nature-based 4K) at the Wildlife Sanctuary, and Model III sites (Encompass and YWCA).

All families have access to parent involvement activities and activities to do at home. Even if your child might not be located at their neighborhood school, parents/guardians are encouraged to participate in their home school activities and to become involved with the home school organizations.

4K Locations

View GBAPS 4K Locations

School Supplies

Site specific supply lists for 4K will be sent home in the beginning of August. Students will also be asked to supply a healthy snack. A list of possible snack options will be sent home in the beginning of August with the supply list.

Click on the links below for 2024-25 supply lists.

How does Head Start Differ from 4-year-old Kindergarten (4K)?

  Head Start 4K
  • 3 or 4 years old by Sept. 1
  • Living within GBAPS District boundaries
  • 90% of families must meet income guidelines OR receive Social Security Income OR Child Care Assistance
  • 4 years old by Sept. 1
  • Living within GBAPS District boundaries or open enrollment acceptance
  • Child attends school 4-half days per week, 8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. or 12:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
  • Or child attends school 4 full days per week at the Head Start Learning Center from 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
  • 2 teacher home visits and 2 parent/teacher conferences per year
  • Parent involvement opportunities
  • Family advocate home visits/contacts
  • Bilingual programming
  • Child attends school 4-half days per week, times vary by site
  • 2 parent/teacher conferences per year
  • Parent involvement opportunities
  • Bilingual programming
Income Guidelines

Income guidelines apply
Proof of Income for the past 12 months is needed to consider the Head Start application complete. Types of proof include:

  • 2023 Income Taxes or W-2s
  • Child support
  • SNAP, TANF or SSI paperwork 
  • Proof of child care assistance
  • Or 12 months of paycheck stubs
 Income guidelines do not apply
Transportation Provided according to District guidelines Provided according to District guidelines: usually provided if student lives more than 1 mile from school
Fees None Some may apply
Application Process
  • Apply online or in person at your home school (neighborhood elementary school), the Head Start Learning Center (1150 Bellevue St.) during school hours, or at Central Registration (232 S. Broadway). The Welcome Center is open 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
  • Child's birth certificate
  • Child's immunization record
  • Address verification
  • Must show proof of income for previous tax year or 12 months previous to application date
  • Apply online or in person at home school (neighborhood elementary school) during school hours, or at Central Registration (232 S. Broadway). The Welcome Center is open 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. 
  • Child's birth certificate
  • Child's immunization record
  • Address verification
  • Before and after care may be available at some community sites. Associated cost and additional paperwork are the responsibility of the parent.
  • Preschoolers, ages 3-5 years, who have indemnified special needs requiring special education services may qualify for Early Childhood programs.