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Green Bay Area Public School District










What Is AVID?

 Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) is a college readiness system designed to   increase the number of students who are prepared to enroll and persist in 4 year college or     pursue other academic or professional goals. AVID is designed to specifically help students in the academic middle, and that match the criteria of the typical AVID student

The Green Bay Public Schools offers AVID for students in grades 7-12 at Edison, Washington and Lombardi Middle Schools, Red Smith K-8, and East, Preble, Southwest and West High Schools. 

What Does GBAPS AVID Provide?

  • An elective class that uses an established curriculum made up of rigorous standards including a focus on WICOR (writing, inquiry, collaboration, organization, and reading) strategies, focused note-taking, study skills, Socratic seminars, and tutorials led by trained adult and college age tutors.
  • Access to a structured, college preparatory system with decades of research and proven success.
  • Access to enrichment opportunities like college visits and guest speakers to educate students about their options, how to prepare, and what to expect when you attend a post secondary institution. 
  • A direct support structure for first-generation college students, grades 7-12.
  • A school-wide approach to curriculum and rigor adopted by nearly 4,000 schools in 45 states and 15 countries. The Green Bay Public School District has offered AVID to our students for approximately 15 years.
  • A professional development program that ensures our teachers stay current with AVID's best teaching practices for all types of learners.  

Department Staff

Daniel Slowey
Director of Secondary Schools
AVID Co-District Director 
Email Dan Slowey

Paulette Zastrow
AVID Co-District Director
Email Paulette Zastrow
(920) 272-2239

The AVID college prep program is currently offered to grades 7-12 at the following Green Bay Area Public Schools:

School Coordinator
Edison Middle School

Holly Snyder
Email Holly Snyder

Lombardi Middle School

Taylor Gulbrand
Email Taylor Gulbrand

Washington Middle School Charles Gille
Email Charles Gille
Red Smith School (K-8), offered in 7-8th grades Emily Van Nuland
Email Emily Van Nuland
East High School Brian Nast
Email Brian Nast
Preble High School

Michael Schuh
Email Michael Schuh

Southwest High School Amanda Millan
Email Amanda Millan
West High School Mari Tomita
Email Mari Tomita