Outreach and Communication
Parents/guardians play a pivotal role in students’ success. Therefore, a variety of outreach and communication opportunities are utilized within Gifted and Talented assessments and programming.
Parent Permission
If, at any time during the referral process, additional assessments are needed to determine qualification criteria or programming placement, parents are required to sign the form titled Request to Administer Additional Assessments and return it to their school’s Gifted and Talented Resource Teacher. No additional assessments outside of curricular and district-approved assessments will be administered without parent/guardian consent.
Parent Notification
Parents/guardians will be notified by phone or invited to a face-to-face meeting to discuss the results of their student’s assessment results, including the determination outcome, and a formal letter will be sent explaining the results of the gifted and talented assessments and qualifications.
Parent-Principal Communication
The school principal can provide the process at the school level for identifying students for gifted and talented services. Parents seeking clarification regarding the identification process, assessment requirements or program options are encouraged to reach out to their student’s principal. At the middle and high schools, school counselors may also assist with program options.
Parent-Teacher Communication
The district highly encourages parents of students to contact teachers at any time if they have specific concerns or if they want information about their student’s educational activities or performance. They may call their student’s teacher to set up an appointment for a meeting, or communicate by email. Parents are encouraged to attend parent-teacher conferences.
Gifted and Talented Resource Teacher Communication with Parents
Gifted and Talented Resource Teachers (GTRTs) will contact parents of identified students to facilitate needed meetings for problem-solving or for developing a Personal Learning Plan. GTRTs will also report on student progress as part of the identified reporting process (report card).
GTRTs will also communicate to students and families about upcoming enrichment opportunities provided by the school or district.
Gifted & Talented Parent Network
The District will provide parent networking opportunities designed for collaboration around topics related to the characteristics of gifted and talented students and programming. A combination of various facilitators including outside experts, educators, parents, and gifted students will facilitate the learning component of the meetings. Topics of focus include but are not limited to the following:
- Social and cultural interaction
- Educational topics related to characteristics of gifted and talented students and educational opportunities
- Inform parents, educators, and the public about what giftedness means and how it is best served
Gifted and Talented Advisory Council
The District has convened a Gifted and Talented Advisory Council comprised of various stakeholders including but not limited to: students, parents, teachers, Gifted and Talented Resource Teachers, Board of Education members, and administrators.