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Green Bay Area Public School District









Programming Options

 Elementary Gifted and Talented Service Options



Teacher Consultation

Gifted and Talented Resource Teachers (GTRT) support classroom teachers.  

Progress Monitoring

GTRT communicates regularly with classroom teachers to monitor the progress of individual students.  

Push-in Service

GTRT meets with students during subject-specific areas of giftedness.  The GTRT may provide additional instruction to challenge the gifted learner.  

Pull-out Service

GTRT provides additional instruction to deepen the gifted learner’s specific needs.  

Grades 3-5 Math/Literacy Service

Students work with the GTRT to apply their learning from the classroom to authentic situations and extend their thinking by collaborating with other learners in the service across the district.  

Individual Intervention

Students work individually with a GTRT on coursework that is highly rigorous and targeted to specific needs.  

Subject Acceleration

Students participate in a subject-area class in a grade higher than they are currently enrolled.  

Grade Acceleration

Students participate in a grade level higher than they are currently enrolled.  


Secondary Gifted and Talented Service Options



Teacher Consultation

Gifted and Talented Resource Teachers (GTRT) support classroom teachers.  

Progress Monitoring

GTRT communicates regularly with classroom teachers to monitor the progress of individual students.  

Academic and/or Career Pathways

In consultation with the Pupil Services Department, the GTRT provides support for understanding course selections and their relevance to post-secondary planning.  

Technology-Integrated Support/ Online Programs

GTRT provides extension and enrichment opportunities via blended and distance learning.  

AP & IB Courses

In consultation with school counselors, the GTRT provides support for accessing college credit bearing and college equivalency courses with the high school setting.  

Dual Enrollment

In consultation with school counselors, the GTRT provides support for accessing out of grade level courses outside of their home school.  

Start College Now/ Early College Credit Program

In consultation with school counselors, the GTRT provides support for accessing college courses that fit a student’s academic and career plan but are not available within district schools.  

Work-Based Learning

In consultation with school counselors, the GTRT provides support for accessing work-based learning programs including Youth Apprenticeship and Co-op.  

Extended Learning (Summer School)

Students may choose to enroll in summer school options in order to accelerate or enhance their academic experience and graduation plan.  

Subject Acceleration

Students participate in a subject-area class in a grade higher than they are currently enrolled.  

Grade Acceleration

Students participate in a grade level higher than they are currently enrolled.  

Independent Study

Students may work with the GTRT to pursue independent study learning opportunities for either enrichment or credit earning.  

Early Graduation

Students may inquire about school board-approved procedures for applying for early graduation.