Referral Process
The Multi-Level Systems of Support (MLSS) process is followed when referring a student for gifted and talented services. The process for referring a student for gifted and talented services begins by contacting the classroom teacher and building principal.
Referral Process
- The building principal (designee) will review the referral information and determine if any additional information is needed to initiate the process.
- Collaborative Learning Team: The principal (or designee) than makes arrangements for the student's classroom teacher, grade level teaching team, relevant support staff, and the Gifted and Talented Resource Teacher (GTRT) to collaborate around the student's progress and unmet needs.
- Learning Support Team: If the Collaborative Learning Team determines the student need requires a specialist input, the principal or designee will schedule a Learning Support Team Meeting. Relevant teacher(s), parent(s), and/or student should complete the Observation Form for potential area of giftedness. These observation forms, plus the anecdotal notes, curriculum assessments, ability assessments, evidence of classroom work and learning behaviors, etc., should be gathered, reviewed and discussed at the Learning Support Team meeting. All information should be determined in the student's Personalized Learning Plan.
- Follow the Learning Support Team process. If the results of the Learning Support Team indicate additional information is needed to determine whether the student meets the gifted and talented criteria, the GTRT will make the necessary arrangements to administer the District -required assessments.
- The Learning Support Team reviews the compiled assessment data to determine if the student meets the criteria to receive gifted services. The Personalized Learning Plan is then updated and a copy is provided to the parent(s).