Facilities Master Plan
Boundary Changes
Current and prospective families can use the Boundary Locator link to determine if their school boundary changes, based on the Board's June 24, 2024 vote. Enter your address and select the appropriate future grade level and the boundary locator will list the new school attendance area, if applicable.
Boundary changes are anticipated to take place for Nicolet/Sullivan and Martin/Danz for the 2025-26 school year. The boundary changes for Beaumont, Chappell, Doty, Elmore, Kennedy, King, Langlade, Lincoln, MacArthur, and Webster are anticipated to be in effect for the 2026-27 school year.
Below is a timeline of the Facilities Master Plan efforts since the 2016-17 school year.
On August 28, 2023, the Board voted unanimously to close Wequiock Elementary School at the end of the 2023-24 school year. The Red Smith (4K-8) boundary was modified to encompass the Wequiock boundary.
On September 25, 2023, the Board voted to contract with Woolpert for a boundary study and to work with a Boundary Advisory Committee.
On October 23, 2023, the Board voted unanimously to consolidate Tank Elementary with Lincoln Elementary for the 2024-25 school year. The Board voted 6-1 to consolidate Keller Elementary and Kennedy Elementary for the 2024-25 school year. Finally, the Board of Education voted to add West High School to the boundary advisory committee work to review additional options, and to remove JDAL from the resolution, resulting in JDAL remaining at is current Cherry Street location.
On November 27, the Board of Education voted 6-1 to remove the District Office Building from the current Facility Master Plan efforts and keep the District offices at the current 200 S. Broadway location. Upon further exploration, the cost of moving offices to West High School was not cost effective, in comparison to the current cost of operating the existing building.
The Board of Education also voted unanimously to approve the Boundary Adjustment Advisory Committee membership, which was developed based on the committee's charter.
The Boundary Adjustment Advisory Committee met from December 2023 until May 2023. Woolpert originally presented two conceptual scenarios: Scenario A and Scenario B. Based on feedback from the Advisory Committee and the community, neither scenario was supported. The Board of Education granted District administration permission to develop a Scenario C that focused on elementary schools.
On June 10, 2024, at the Board of Education Work Session Woolpert and District administrators presented recommendations regarding future school consolidations to address declining enrollment, aging facilities, and projected deficits. The recommendations included the following:
Consolidate Elmore Elementary with Chappell Elementary & Lincoln Elementary; adjust Beaumont Elementary boundary to include area south of Mason Street and extend to east to the Fox River (formerly assigned to Tank/for the 2024-25 school year, this area is assigned to Lincoln Elementary)
Consolidate Langlade Elementary with Doty Elementary, which would include Webster Elementary’s boundary moving south to Hwy 172
Consolidate MacArthur Elementary with Kennedy/Keller Elementary in a new west side elementary school, and with King Elementary
Reassign the southern portion of Danz Elementary Boundary (south of Deckner Avenue) to Martin Elementary
Reassign the northern corner of Sullivan Elementary boundary (north to Eastman Avenue/East of Baird Street) to Nicolet Elementary
Memo to the Board of Education, June 10, 2024
On Monday, June 24, 2024, the Board discussed and took action on five resolutions regarding future boundary attendance changes in the District. The Board’s actions were the result of two years of work, first by the Facilities Task Force and then the Boundary Adjustment Advisory Committee to address declining enrollment, aging facilities and projected budget deficits. Below are the resolutions that were approved by the Board of Education.
The Green Bay Area Public School District is directed to reassign the portion of Danz Elementary School attendance area boundary south of Deckner Avenue to the Martin Elementary School attendance area to commence for the 2025-2026 school year. View full resolution.
The Green Bay Area Public School District is directed to initiate planning activities:
To consolidate the Elmore Elementary School attendance area into the attendance areas of (1) Chappell Elementary School and (2) Lincoln Elementary School; and
Adjust the Beaumont Elementary School boundary to include the area south of Mason Street and extend to east to the Fox River in time for the 2025-2026 school year.
The Green Bay Area Public School District is directed to initiate planning activities, to consolidate the Langlade Elementary School attendance area into the attendance areas of (1) Doty Elementary School and (2) reassign a portion of the Langlade Elementary School attendance area that is north of HWY 172 to Webster Elementary School. View full resolution.
The Green Bay Area Public School District is directed to initiate planning activities to consolidate the MacArthur Elementary School attendance area into the attendance areas of (1) a new west side elementary school to be located on the Kennedy Elementary School site and (2) the existing King Elementary School. View full resolution.
The Green Bay Area Public School District is directed to reassign the portion of Sullivan Elementary School attendance area boundary east of Baird Street, north to Eastman Avenue to the Nicolet Elementary School attendance area to commence for the 2025-2026 school year. View full resolution.
For the resolutions that do not specify a date, the timeline for boundary changes is the 2026-27 school year.
In November 2022, the community passed a capital referendum for $96.6 million by 69%, which addressed delayed facility projects, energy efficiency, and student and community safety; secondary school upgrades; and playground improvements. View progress on the referendum projects.
During the fall of 2022, ATS&R presented their findings to the Board of Education. On January 9, 2023, the Board of Education received the final reports from ATS&R, which outlined its findings regarding the District's facilities. The reports depict a year-long effort of evaluating the District's facilities including mechanical systems, instructional learning spaces, enrollment and capacities, transportation, safety and security, technology, and future programming needs. Within the reports, all school blueprints are redacted for safety reasons.
- GBAPS 22000 Facility Assessment Vol2B -Early Learn and ES
- GBAPS 2200 Facility Assessment Vol1A -EDAD PROCESS AND SUMMARIES
- GBAPS 22000 Facility Assessment Vol2A -FCI Overall Summary
- GBAPS 22000 Facility Assessment Vol 2C-MS-HS_Other
- Educational Adequacy Scores per School
In addition, the District retained Woolpert (formerly Cooperative Strategies) to conduct a demographic study of the District's attendance area.
- Enrollment Project Report by School Attendance
- Student Potential Analysis Report: Alternate Scenarios
- Enrollment Projections Report by Boundary Residence
In January of 2023, a citizen Task Force was convened to provide input on various scenarios that ATS&R developed to address three significant issues the District is facing: aging facilities, declining enrollment, and upcoming budget deficits.
At the May 8, 2023, Board Work Session, representatives of the Task Force presented their recommendations.
On June 5, 2023, the Board of Education held a Special Board of Education meeting to vote on various elements of the Facilities Task Force recommendations. The Board voted on the following items:
- Develop a plan for a capital referendum (approved)
- Develop a process to evaluate the impact of adding K-8s and shifting boundaries (approved)
- Develop a plan to close Wequiock Elementary School (approved)
- Develop a plan to close Tank Elementary School (tabled)
In 2021, the District contracted with ATS&R to conduct a Facilities Master Plan. During the 2021-22 school year, ATS&R evaluated each of the District’s facilities to create documentation regarding the building’s current and future structural/systems repairs and improvements, and an assessment of the school’s ability to meet today’s instructional needs. I
In 2019, the Board approved repurposing Jefferson Elementary School into the Jefferson Head Start Learning Center. This provided a westside Head Start location, and removed the operational costs from the District’s budget, as Head Start is federally funded. Jefferson Elementary students’ were relocated to Fort Howard Elementary, which allowed the District to fully utilize the school, which previously had unused classrooms on the third floor.
Since 2016, the Green Bay Area Public School District has been working to address enrollment and facilities inequities across the District. The 2017 referendum enabled the District to relocate 4K and 5K students back to their neighborhood schools and to replace the Baird Elementary School.