Redefining Ready
Every student learns differently, and the Green Bay Area Public School District (GBAPS) goal is to ensure that we measure college, career and community readiness in a way that reflects those differences. GBAPS has joined a national initiative called Redefining Ready! Launched by the AASA (The School Superintendents Association) to introduce research-based metrics to more appropriately assess student readiness.
College Ready is defined as a student who meets all subject matter benchmarks and/or meets the GPA of 2.8 or above criteria and one of the other identified indicators.
Career Ready is defined as a student who has identified a career interest and meets two of the Career Ready Indicators.
Attendance - Percentage of students who have a 90% attendance rate during freshman year in high school.
Co-Curricular Involvement - Percent of students who have participated in 2 or more Co-Curricular Activities over their four years in high school.
2.8 GPA - Percent of students per academic year who earn a 2.8 Grade Point Average.
% Taking AP courses and earning an A, B, C - Proportion of students per school year earning an A, B, or C in at least one AP course in one grading period that appears on a transcript.
% Taking and Passing an AP Test with a 3 or higher - The proportion of students taking one or more AP exam(s) and earning a 3 or higher on a minimum of one AP exam.
% of Students taking a dual credit English or Math courses and earning an A, B or C - The proportion of students taking English or Math dual credit courses in high school or on a college campus and earning an A, B, or C on the college transcript.
% of Students taking a dual credit course(s) other than English or Math and earning an A, B, or C - The proportion of students taking 1 or more dual credit courses in high school or on a college campus other than in English or Math and earning an A, B, or C on the college transcript.
% of Students earning a C or higher in Algebra II - The proportion of students earning a C or higher.
% of Composite ACT Score - The ACT score used will come from the state-mandated testing data for all juniors in the state of Wisconsin. The ACT’s minimum benchmark scores that predict college-level success in the four content areas - English: 18, Math: 22, Reading: 22, Science: 23.
% of Students doing 25 Hours of Community Service by the end of Senior Year in High School - The proportion of students that have completed 25 hours of community service during their four years of high school.
Work-Based Learning Experience - The proportion of students participating in a work-based learning experience as defined by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. Different from a regular after-school job, work-based learning programs are school supervised experiences. These programs vary greatly. Work-based learning options include: local internships, co-ops, training programs, school-based enterprises, entrepreneurship, supervised agricultural experiences, DPI skills standards certificate programs, Department of Workforce Development youth apprenticeship.
Industry Credentials - Percent of students receiving an industry recognized credential.
Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) - The percentage of students who took the ASVAB.
Identified Career Interest - The student has an identified a career interest in Xello.