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Green Bay Area Public School District









Student Immunization Law Age And Grade Requirements

The following are the minimum required immunizations for each age/grade level. It is not a recommended immunization schedule for infants and preschoolers. For that schedule, contact your doctor or local health department.

2023-2024 Immunization Guidelines


 Number of Doses
 Pre K (2 yrs through 4 yrs) 4 DTP/DTaP/DT²   3 Polio 3 Hep B 1 MMR⁵ 1 Var⁶  
 Grades K through 6  4 DTP/DTaP/DT¹⁻²    4 Polio⁴  3 Hep B 2 MMR⁵ 2 Var⁶  
 Grades 7 through 12  4 DTP/DTaP/DT²  1 Tdap³  4 Polio⁴ 3  Hep B  2 MMR⁵ 2 Var⁶ 2 MenACWY-containing
  1. DTP/DTaP/DT vaccine for children entering Kindergarten: Your child must have received one dose after the 4th birthday (either the 3rd, 4th, or 5th) to be compliant. (Note: a dose 4 days or less before the 4th birthday is also acceptable).

  2. DTP/DTaP/DT/Td vaccine for students entering grades 1 through 12: Four doses are required. However, if your child received the 3rd dose after the 4th birthday, further doses are not required. (Note: a dose 4 days or less before the 4th birthday is also acceptable).

  3. Tdap means adolescent tetanus, diphtheria and acellular pertussis vaccine. If your child received a dose of a tetanus-containing vaccine, such as Td, within 5 years of entering the grade in which Tdap is required, your child is compliant and a dose of Tdap vaccine is not required.

  4. Polio vaccine for students entering grades Kindergarten through 12: Four doses are required. However, if your child received the 3rd dose after the 4th birthday, further doses are not required. (Note: a dose 4 days or less before the 4th birthday is also acceptable).

  5. The first dose of MMR vaccine must have been received on or after the first birthday (Note: a dose 4 days or less before the 1st birthday is also acceptable).

  6. Var means Varicella (chickenpox) vaccine. A history of chickenpox disease is also acceptable.

  7. MenACWY-containing vaccine (Meningococcal conjugate vaccine) is required at seventh grade and a booster dose at 12th grade.

Use the Student Immunization Record to record the date(s) of immunization(s) or claim a waiver. The record is also available in SpanishHmong, and Somali.

For more information about the Tdap requirements for middle and high school students, please read the fact sheet on pages 17-18 of the Wisconsin School Immunization Requirements publication.

For more general information about vaccinations, please contact the Brown County Health Department.

Changes to Immunization Requirements for the 2024-25 School Year

Further information about school reporting requirements can be found on the Wisconsin Department of Health Services website.

Comparison of Wisconsin school-required vaccines prior to the 2023-24 school year compared to vaccine requirements starting in the 2024-25 school year

Immunization Requirement Changes Quick Guide 

Previous Requirements

School requirements starting in the 2024-2025 School year

For entry to kindergarten through sixth grades, students need:

• 4 doses of polio vaccine
• 3 doses of hepatitis B
• 4 doses of DTaP/DTP/DT/TD
• 2 doses of varicella (chicken pox)
• 2 doses of MMR
• 1 dose of Tdap at seventh grade

For entry to kindergarten through seventh grades students need:
• 4 doses of polio vaccine
• 3 doses of hepatitis B
• 4 doses of DTaP/DTP/DT/TD
• 2 doses of varicella (chickenpox)*
• 2 doses of MMR
• 1 Tdap at seventh grade
• 1 MenACWY-containing vaccine at seventh grade

For entry to 12th grade:
• 1 MenACWY-containing booster (2nd dose in series)

Note: Children must be up to date on all vaccines listed for previous grades. For example, if a seventh grader is missing a dose of hepatitis B, they will need a catch-up dose of hepatitis B prior to seventh grade matriculation. *Exceptions to the varicella vaccine requirements will be allowed in both child care centers and schools only if the child has had a case diagnosed by a qualified health care provider. 

The Wisconsin Department of Health Service is changing immunization requirements to bring Wisconsin closer in line to the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices nationwide recommendations.