Universal Screener FAQ
What is a Behavior Universal Screener?
It is a screening tool used to help identify students at risk of future academic, behavioral or emotional difficulties in school. Just like some students benefit from additional academic support, there are some students who will benefit from additional support to strengthen their behavioral, social, and emotional skills.
How does it work?
Classroom teachers of 5th grade students will complete a one page survey about students’ actions and emotions displayed in class during a one week time period. Students in 8th grade will complete the surveys for themselves. School staff will use the screening results and data to identify students who may benefit from additional social and emotional support.
What universal screener is being used in Green Bay Area Public Schools?
The BIMAS-2 (Behavior Intervention Monitoring and Assessment System-2) is the universal screener being used.
What is the BIMAS-2?
The BIMAS-2 (Behavior Intervention Monitoring and Assessment System-2) is a research based, brief and repeatable questionnaire developed and standardized for universal screening. It has 34 questions to help develop customized intervention goals and is available in multiple languages. It looks at adaptive skills, internalizing problems, externalizing problems, and school problems.
How is the BIMAS-2 different from the Panorama Universal Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Survey students completed in October?
The Panorama Universal SEL Survey is a district and school level assessment of social emotional competencies. The Panorama survey does not directly connect responses to individual students. All students in grades 3-12 will take the Panorama Survey.
The BIMAS-2 is a screener of behavior, social, and emotional functioning of all students in 5th and 8th grade. Results are linked to individual students to help staff identify students who are demonstrating social, emotional, and/or behavior concerns or at risk for concerns in the future.
What types of questions are on the screener?
● During the past week, this student shared what they were thinking about.
● During the past week, this student had trouble paying attention.
● During the past week, this student followed directions.
● During the past week, this student acted sad or withdrawn.
For each question, the teacher or student will answer “never,” “rarely,” “sometimes,” “often,” or “very often.”
Does the screener diagnose children as having a disability or psychological problems?
No, this is not a formal mental health assessment. It identifies potential problems in the same manner as a medical check-up.
Why are schools screening students?
The BIMAS-2 (Behavior Intervention Monitoring and Assessment System-2) can help schools identify students who are at risk of future academic, behavioral, or emotional difficulties so that we can provide them additional support to strengthen their behavioral, social, and emotional skills. Doing this allows teachers and students to focus more of their time and energy on classroom instruction and academic performance, with fewer behavioral disruptions. It helps promote social emotional well-being for students.
How long will the screening take?
The BIMAS-2 (Behavior Intervention Monitoring and Assessment System-2) is estimated to take 3-5 minutes to complete per child when completed by teachers and 10 minutes for students to complete themselves.
Can I see my child’s screening results?
Yes. Contact your child’s School Social Worker if you would like information about your child’s results.
How and where is data about my child stored?
The confidential screening results are stored on a secure server designated only for CCS universal screener data. The data is only accessible to teachers, administrators, parents/guardians and school staff (on a need to know basis).
What do I do if I want my child to be screened?
You do not have to do anything. All students are automatically included in the screening, unless they turn in the Opt-Out form.
What do I do if I do not want my child to be screened?
Participation in the BIMAS-2 (Behavior Intervention Monitoring and Assessment System-2) is voluntary. Parents will be given one week notification to complete the BIMAS-2 Opt-Out FORM that will be sent home, and it must be returned by the required date.
Who do I contact for additional information?
Email Christina Gingle, Associate Director of Pupil Services, or call her at (920) 448-7377.