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Green Bay Area Public School District









Inclement Weather

In Wisconsin, inclement weather can mean several things: extreme heat, extreme cold, snowy conditions, tornado warnings, etc. The Green Bay Area Public School District has guidelines to address the various extreme weather conditions that can arise in Wisconsin.

Guidelines For Weather School Delays And Closings:

We watch the weather very closely in the winter months. On nights when weather is forecasted to cause any issues that might impact the safety of our students arriving at school, we are actively assessing the situation by 4:45 a.m.  If we are able to determine school closings the night before, we will let you know about it when the decision is made.  

Severe Weather

Delaying or closing school is a decision that is not made lightly. There are many implications so we work to ensure we are making the best decision possible based on the information we have. Start of school may be delayed or schools may be closed if conditions are considered to be dangerous. How we make the decision:

  • We review the predicted weather patterns through various weather websites and news outlets. 
  • We consult with the National Weather Service.
  • We look closely at the temperatures throughout the day, timing of snow/ice and how much is predicted, and how the weather will impact getting students to/from school.
  • We work closely with bus carriers when making this decision. Our staff and/or bus drivers will go out and drive the roads to determine if they are safe and passable.
  • We are in conversation with other superintendents in neighboring school districts to compare reports. 

How You'll Be Notified

  • We will post the closing on our District and all school websites. A pop-up banner will appear when you visit our District and school websites. 
  • We will also post the closing on our District Facebook page  and all school Facebook pages.
  • We will use our electronic messaging system to call, email, and text families about the change in the school schedule. Students in grades 6-12 will be notified of a delay or school closure, if their cell numbers were added into Infinite Campus by their parent/guardian. 
  • Local media will be contacted.

Other Important Information

  • On days when we have a delayed start time as a result of weather, there will be no AM 4K, no AM Head Start and no morning early childhood classes and breakfast will not be served. 
  • If there is a 2-hour delay, busses will run exactly 2 hours later than their normal times, including the Metro Bus.
  • Students who attend classes at more than one school should report to their home school when there is a 2-hour delay. 
  • On days when we release early as a result of weather, there will be no PM 4K, no PM Head Start and no afternoon early childhood classes and lunch will not be served. 

Make-up Minutes/Days

  • The District has two (2) inclement weather days built into the school calendar. Should the District use two inclement weather days this school year, and anticipate a need for additional weather days (e.g., severe cold weather over multiple days), the District will revisit whether or not to implement asynchronous learning days rather than adding minutes to the daily schedule. 

Finally, if there is ever a time that we hold school and you do not feel it is in the best interest of your child to attend based on your assessment of the weather, parents must call the school and we will excuse those absences.

Cold Weather & Outdoor Recess

  • Please send your child to school with appropriate winter clothing to ensure they stay warm at recess.
  • Plan on your child going out for recess when the temperature including wind chill is above zero degrees.

Heat Index Guidelines:

If the heat index is between 90 and 95 degrees:

Students will be provided with ample amounts of water and will remain in air conditioned spaces as much as possible within buildings. If students are engaging in physical activity:

  • When possible the activities will be moved to a shaded area outdoors or moved indoors. 
  •  Breaks will be provided at least every 20 minutes for about 10 minutes to allow for students to cool down and hydrate. In addition, students will be allowed to take breaks as needed during activities and have access to water.

Staff are asked to watch and monitor students carefully for signs of heat exhaustion and to call a district nurse if there are concerns. 

If the heat index is above 95 degrees:

All outdoor activities will be moved indoors to air conditioned spaces. 

  • Water will be provided. 
  • Staff will monitor the building's temperatures to determine the level of physical activity to allow.
  • Staff are asked to watch and monitor students carefully for signs of heat exhaustion and to call a district nurse if there are concerns.

All sporting events and co-curriculars will use the WIAA guidance outlined in the WIAA's Model Policy for Managing Heat & Humidity

Air Quality Mitigation

We follow the Air Quality and Outdoor Activity Guidance for Schools published by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Children and adolescents are identified by the EPA as a member of "sensitive groups" who may experience health effects. As a result the district has the following guidelines for each level of advisory or warning due to poor air quality condition:

  • Good (0-50) & Moderate (51 - 100): No limitations
  • Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups (101 - 150): Teachers of students identified with underlying health conditions and are to follow the health plan for those students, which may include remaining indoors during recess.
  • Unhealthy (151-200), Very Unhealthy (201 - 300) & Hazardous (310 - 500): In these situations the District's guidance is to move recess and outdoor activities indoors and postpone large group outdoor events.

In accordance with the WIAA Medical Policy and Procedures, if the air quality index is at the "unhealthy" range or above, moving all outdoor sporting practices/training indoors and postponing sporting events will be strongly considered.