Coach Lombardi Bust Installed at Middle School
Lombardi Middle School was honored to host the unveiling of a Vince Lombardi bust on September 25, 2024, outside the auditorium.
Two of Lombardi’s former players, Dave Robinson and Marv Fleming participated in the unveiling along with Lombardi Principal Mr. Seth Meinel and Green Bay Packers Hall of Fame Inc. President Don Sipes.
Dave Robinson told local media that Coach Lombardi would be honored to be immortalized at a school.
“I can think of no greater honor than to have his bust in a school, an institution of learning,” Robinson said. “That’s what he was, very strong on learning. He was very strong on us, being the best citizens we could be..."
This bust was installed as a part of the Green Bay Packers Hall of Fame Legacy Series.
The Legacy Series recognizes those in the Packers Hall of Fame and shares their legacies with students and the community.
A bust of Curly Lambeau was installed at Green Bay East High School’s City Stadium in fall of 2023.