U.S. Education Secretary Visits Jackson Elementary
The Green Bay Area Public School District hosted U.S. Department of Education Secretary Dr. Miguel Cardona on September 3. He kicked off his 2024 Back to School Bus Tour at Jackson Elementary School on Green Bay's west side.
Secretary Cardona started his visit with a tour of Jackson Elementary. He stopped by classrooms to greet students and visited the ADA-compliant and inclusive playground.
Students later joined Secretary Cardona in the gym for an assembly. Students participated a read-a-long in both English and Spanish, they sang a song and they played a listening game.
Secretary Cardona spoke to students about the importance of education and being multilingual. He also shared with students how much he enjoyed Jackson's ADA-compliant and inclusive playground.
"I got a tour of a bilingual classroom and I got a tour of your playground, and I have to say I'm a little jealous," Secretary Cardona said. "I'm a little jealous, because when I leave today, I won't be able to go back to that playground. Raise your hand if you love that playground!"
Students raised their hands and cheered in response.
Thank you, Secretary Cardona, for making Jackson Elementary School and Green Bay, Wisconsin your first stop on the 2024 Back to School Bus Tour!
See more photos from the event below.