New AED Units at GBAPS Schools
The Green Bay Area Public School District recently purchased 66 of the Zoll AED 3Ⓡ units to replace the current AED units in our schools, as well as additional dedicated units for athletic trainers.
The new units have the following benefits:
A 5-year life battery life
Full-color rescue images
The unit uses the same pads for a child or adult
The digital display provides “Real CPR Help” which measures the depth and rate of compression.
“Over the years, the District has been fortunate to have AEDs in our buildings,” Safety and Security Manager Chris Collar said. “The decision to replace all of our AEDs at one time allows the District to have uniformity in training of our staff and in purchasing replacement parts.”
February is American Heart Month and the Green Bay Area Public School District is proud to recognize the facilities department’s efforts to ensure the well-being of students, staff, athletes, and visitors to our schools.