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Green Bay Area Public School District









Distribution of Non-School Materials

Within our community there are many wonderful opportunities and resources for students and families. Organizations are able to share this information with our families, if the information meets the Board of Education’s Policy 852 and Rule 852 pertaining to distribution of non-school materials. 

Distribution of Non-School Materials Policy and Procedures

The following is a guide to Policy 852 and Rule 852 pertaining to distribution of non-school materials. The District reserves the right to change these guidelines in accordance with Board of Education Policy and Rule 852, which can be viewed at BoardDocs

A. Process for obtaining approval for distribution of non-school materials:

  • Review items under Section B and C in this document to ensure your event/activity and materials are consistent with our Board of Education policy.
  •  Provide a copy of your proposed material(s) to Mandy Heroux at You will be provided notification of the decision regarding your request as soon as practicable. Please allow one week for a determination regarding your proposed materials.
  • Your materials must:
    • Offer scholarships or subsidize fees to low income students, if fees are requested for participation.
    • Clearly identify the non-profit organization or group sponsoring the program, activity or event.
    •  Include a phone number for students or their parents/guardians to get further information.
    • Include a disclaimer (in both English and Spanish):

This organization, program or activity is not affiliated with the Green Bay Area Public School District nor is it a school-sponsored activity. The District does not approve, support or endorse the information contained within this document or this program or activity.

Esta organización, programa o actividad no está asociada con el Distrito de Escuelas Públicas del Área de Green Bay, ni tampoco es una actividad patrocinada por la escuela. El Distrito no aprueba, apoya, ni respalda la información contenida dentro de este documento o este programa o actividad.

  • Groups or agencies seeking approval shall provide materials translated into languages spoken by the families receiving the information, where available.
  • Once a submission is approved pursuant to the process outlined herein, it may not be altered or changed in any way prior to the distribution to the school buildings.
  • Upon approval, you will receive a list of contacts at each school building as well as instructions for distribution. You can send the flyer to all schools or specific ones.
  • The building principal and/or administrator reserve the right to decline distribution of your materials in accordance with Board of Education Policy and Rule 852.

B. The following conditions must be met for your materials to be approved:

  • The requestor is a tax-exempt entity (e.g., charitable, educational, registered non-profit, governmental, etc.) or non-income generating community group and not a self-employed individual/contractor/consultant or for-profit entity seeking to advertise or to recruit participants/customers in connection with the service activity or product offered by the person/entity.
    • The Superintendent of Schools and Learning or his or her designee may approve a proposed posting for distribution that relates to a community program/activity for school-age children that is primarily charitable in nature, but sponsored or underwritten by a for-profit individual/entity, provided that, in the judgment of the Superintendent of Schools and Learning or his or her designee that the program/activity is not most reasonably construed as an effort to advertise the actual service, activity or product that is offered for-profit.
  • The material promotes educational or recreational programs, events or activities serving public school-age children.
  • The community program/activity does not violate the law.
  • The group or organization requesting material distribution in the schools follows District procedures for the distribution of non-school material.
  • The distribution of the non-school material does not involve the collection of funds, the taking of ticket orders, or the completion of forms to be returned to the school.
  • The distribution of the non-school material does not interfere with classroom instruction. Time, place and manner restrictions can be placed on the distribution of non-school materials to protect instructional time.

C. The following shall not be permitted or distributed in accordance with Policy 852:

  • The posting or distribution of political campaign literature.
  • Material that contradicts the District's mission or beliefs or is in conflict with Board policies.
  • Material that incites or encourages illegal behavior or violates state law.
  • Material that promotes or contains references to alcohol, tobacco, drugs or drug paraphernalia.
  • Material that promotes or contains references to weapons; lewd, vulgar, obscene, pornographic or illegal materials or activities; gambling or gambling aids; violence; hatred; sexual conduct; sexually explicit material; TV-MA, or X-, NC-17, or R- rated movies.
  • Material that contains libelous material or false, misleading or deceptive claims.     
  • Material that exploits or demeans a person, including a person's protected status.
  • Material that creates an endorsement of a political cause, activity, candidate or position.
  • Material that recruits current District students to attend or participate in a non-school-related program, activity or event that occurs during regular school hours during the school year or that promotes organizations that are in competition with the school district
  • Material that is inconsistent with the District's wellness policy.
  • Material that negatively affects the fiscal condition of the District and/or places any financial or other limitations on the District.
  • Material that is primarily devoted to the promotion of commercial products or services.
  • Material that, if distributed to students, will substantially disrupt or materially interfere with the proper and orderly operation of the school or a school-sponsored activity.

Updated 4-26-23

 Distribution of Non-School Materials Policy and Procedures (pdf) 

If the information does not meet the policy requirements, it may be shared on the District’s Community Events webpage.