School Spirit Grants
What Is School Spirit?
School Spirit – two simple words that create a flood of memories – pep rallies, homecoming dances, best friends, broken romances, and a time where anything was possible and you were invincible.
Today, School Spirit is a way to give back to the schools that prepared you for life. School districts are facing challenges never before seen in the history of public education. Educators are being asked to do significantly more – with less resources.
In 2000, the Green Bay Area Public School District formed an educational endowment to support excellence in teaching and learning. Mini-grants are awarded to District staff to explore creative ways of delivering educational experiences. The most successful efforts can become the basis for district-wide programs, and serve as models for school districts across the country.
Make A Difference
Many of us have had teachers who made a difference in our lives. Now it’s time to give back and help a teacher reach their dreams. Your gift to School Spirit can help take a classroom project from interesting to extraordinary. You can designate your donation to the following categories:
Arts & Libraries
Innovative Education
Emerging Needs
Facilities & Technology Enhancement
Enriched Learning Opportunities
Or have your donation honor your alma mater, a favorite teacher, or a former student. Send your tax-deductible gift to:
School Spirit
c/o Greater Green Bay Community Foundation
400 S. Washington Street
Green Bay, WI 54301
The Greater Green Bay Community Foundation is a tax-exempt, 501(c)3 public charity.
Apply For a Grant
School Spirit supports excellence in the teaching and learning process. The endowment helps kick-start innovative projects and/or enhanced learning opportunities.
The deadline for submitting grant applications is October 15.
Please direct inquiries to:
Kari Olsen
Greater Green Bay Community Foundation, Inc.
400 S. Washington Street
Green Bay, WI 54301
(920) 432-0800
Email Kari Olsen